Song of the Day

Graphic Design

The project involved creating visual collages that capture the essence of various songs. A unique aspect was the unintentional retro theme that emerged, regardless of the song's release date.  

Task: Design 30 minutes a day for 30 days to learn a design skill you’ve been wanting to develop, build a creative habit, or produce an impressive body of themed work.
Software Used: Adobe Photoshop
Process: The workflow entailed selecting a song, sourcing suitable images, and then creatively designing the collage in Photoshop.
Skills: Enhanced skills in Photoshop, photo manipulation, and typography.

The NewsHouse

UI/UX  Design

Task: The NewsHouse, operated by students from the Newhouse School of Public Communications, assigned my UI/UX Design class the project of revamping its website. Our goal was to refresh the user interface with features aimed at boosting engagement. Following discussions with the NewsHouse contributors, I created site maps and wireframes, culminating in a functional prototype of the final design on Figma.

Software Used: Figma
Process: The workflow entailed research, ideating, and designing.
Enhanced skills in UI/UX research and design

The design aimed to capture the grief and sadness experienced by the native new mexicans following the Trinity nuclear test. A striking visual approach was adopted, using only black, white, and red elements, with red symbolizing loss and pain. The poster features carefully chosen assets to convey the intended emotional impact.

Movie Poster

Graphic Design

Task: develop a movie poster inspired by the documentary “First We Bombed New Mexico”
Software Used: Adobe Photoshop Lessons Learned: This project highlighted the importance of balancing personal creativity with client expectations in design work. It underscored the necessity of adapting to client feedback and incorporating their ideas into the final product.

Happy Place Post Card

Graphic Design

The postcard depicts Graham's 318, a local coffee shop that has been a sanctuary for studying, coffee, and relaxation. The design focuses on a favorite spot within the café, highlighted by a striking blue couch and a unique moon lamp, capturing the cozy and picturesque ambiance.

Task: Develop a post card that depicts your ‘happy place’ 
Software: Adobe Illustrator Lessons Learned: This project underscored the value of venturing outside one's comfort zone, leading to enhanced illustration skills and broader design capabilities

Type Poster

Graphic Design

This project highlighted the typeface, Bernhard Gothic, bringing its history and origins to life through design. It underscores the typefaces creator, Lucian Bernhard as well as the history behind the typeface.

Task: Develop an informational poster inspired by a Typeface of your choice
Software Used: Adobe InDesign Lessons Learned: This project highlighted how important design desicions can be in displaying a theme and telling a story. This design is a nod to not only the art deco era, but also the intrecate shape and body characteristics of this typeface.

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