Hi, I'm London!

Growing up in a world surrounded by technology, I have always been fascinated to learn how it all works and driven by a desire to make it all better. My interest in website development began in high school after my first programming class. From there, I realized my passion for design and tech could be combined into one to create powerful, functional, and meaningful designs. My academic journey is driven by a desire to enhance the interface between humans and computers, making it more intuitive, accessible, and engaging. I am committed to leveraging my interdisciplinary skills to innovate and improve the way we interact with digital environments, aiming to create more user-friendly, enjoyable, and accessible experiences.

Contact Me:

Check out my resume!


Syracuse University
Class of 2025

Information Management and Technology,
School of Information Studies

Graphic Design,
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

My Experience: 

UI/UX Designer
Newhouse School
January 2024 - Present

Information Technology Intern
June 2023 - Present

Student Computing Consultant
Syracuse University
Oct. 2021 - Present 

Public Relations Director
Kappa Theta Pi
December 2022-May 2023

Questions? Email londonbennett@icloud.com